Thursday 4 February 2010

An Old Chestnut
In the early days of pub quizzes the following question occurred rather frequently: Which city has the most miles of canal - Amsterdam, Birmingham or Venice?
The acceptable answer,of course, was Birmingham with over 100miles. I am not convinced that Venice has any canals - isn't it a series of islands in a lagoon? If you experience of the Birmingham Canal Navigations is restricted to a mad dash along one or other main line to Gas Street and its environs then there are two opportunities in May & June for you to broaden your horizons courtesey of the BCNS
2010 BCN Explorer Cruise
Join Brenda and Brian and about 20 other boats for a week of accompanied cruising around some of those 100 miles and glimpse some of the other 100 miles which have vanished. Read my blog entries from August 10 last year when we joined it to get a feeling for what this is like. This year the cruise is taking place in June. Assembling at Merry Hill on the evening of June 4, it will conclude at Pelsall on June 11 to coincide with the BCN Pelsall Gathering over the weekend of June 12/13. More information and entry forms are available from the intrepid leaders at
If you are not the gregarious type or if joining the BCNS crocodile seems a little tame then what you need is:
2010BCN Marathon Challenge
Here you cruise the BCN for 24 hours over the weekend of 29/30 May with no leader and no help. You design your our route and points are awarded for the length and difficulty of your trek. To borrow a slightly more PC version of the Yorkie strap-line - this is not for wimps.
For more information on this ring Roy Kenn on 01922 428644. We participated in a previous incarnation of this challenge in 1994-6 and have not had some much fun (or rubbish on the prop)

Why not make 2010 the year you improve your Birmingham Canal Nowledge (!)

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