Thursday 26 July 2012

Church on Sunday

The last census of churches in England identified 37,501 active(?) establishments. How many more redundant buildings there are I  do not know.  As we potter around the canals  of England we often visit the local church.  After a while the architecture, stained glass and wood carving begins to look very similar and we are more impressed by the efforts made by the congregation to enhance their particular place of worship.
Back in June we were admiring the tapestry in Wolverly church.
St. Mary's in Nantwich also produced a wall hanging for the Queen's Silver Jubilee.
 This is very much larger and uses 3D applique.

The left had curtain represents  Christ in history with the Virgin Mary and the shepherds and wise men.
 The right hand curtain shows Christ in Glory with the people of today walking in the light of life.
What makes this so attractive is the ordinary nature of the people pictured:  so often in church the images are of saints and angels - the extraordinary.

Here we see a young courting couple.
(I know that expression dates me: but I didn't say they are walking out together)

The pleated skirts and a child on reigns are so redolent of the 1970s

Sometimes, but more rarely, this illustration of ordinary life is reflected in stained glass alongside the glorious  religious scenes and characters.

On the north side of St. Mary's is this window given by Mrs. Betty Bourne in memory of her husband Albert, a local farmer and church benefactor.

The subject of the window is the Creation.


The lower third shows the creatures of the Cheshire countryside including cattle, sheep, pigs, geese, fox, rabbits, hare and hedgehog. In the centre is Baddington Grange Farm where they lived. Above there is a collection of foreign animals.

Then come thirteen fish and above these are 25 birds.  Pheasant, curlew, swift, swallow, martin, magpie, crow, gull, tern and wild duck have all been identified.

The upper lights show stars and planets and Halley's Comet and the hand of the Creator is at the apex.

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